How Can AJM Help Manage Your Project?
We provide Project and Construction Management services to co-ordinate and bring together all the project elements and ensure timeframe, safety, quality and strategic objectives are met.
The AJM team will co-ordinate and manage your project from concept through every stage to completion and commissioning. We will provide a project programme, organise approvals, manage the site and communicate with the project stakeholders.
What Is Involved In The Project Management Process?
With our project management service you can have the assurance of your project being constructed correctly through the implementation of our management systems, policies and procedures. We provide onsite safety and induction training and site supervision to ensure minimal delay, consistency and safety and to enable the project to reach completion on time and within budget.
Working closely with the architect / designer and building management we will keep you constantly updated on the progress of your project through our PM software system, meetings and schedules.
As supervising the site we take responsibility to conduct contractor site inductions and ensure compliance with any specific site security and building owner/management requirements applicable. We maintain site control and take necessary precaution, care and consideration to protect products, materials and equipment with co-ordinated delivery, handling and storage to prevent damage or loss. Our on-site optimisation program incorporates record keeping, OH&S and quality assurance system, safe work method statements (SWMS) and job safety analysis (JSA) documentation, up-to-date site plans, regular site cleans and provision of free-issue safety equipment for contractor use.
Get In Contact With Us
If you are interested in finding more about our project management services or want to discuss a project over in more detail give us a call on 1300 998 980 or contact us through our quick enquiry form.